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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love

As a general rule I like to keep my blog pretty up beat and tell the tales of my beloved family and love for all things shiny and pretty.  So with that, this will be my one an only sort of political post for the year...or election cycle.  Look, Y'all, after last night I really feel like we could all use a big dose of love, drinks and maybe even hugs.  That says a lot for a girl who hates hugs.   I'm going to say some positives across the board about the last 24 hours.   It was refreshing to see an entire Nation come out and feel so passionate and try to be engaged in a right that so many men and women fought for us all to have.  It has been interesting to have real conversations with folks who actually paid attention and did their research.  We don't all have to agree, and its foolish to think we would.  Except that girl who told me she believed in Vegan Leather...I can't forgive, forget or be friends with that kind of negativity.

But today, my heart is sad because of the ugly.   No one should be losing friends over the election.  Debates are fun and get our blood pumping but if you have taken it to the point that now you can't go have drinks with your fellow co-worker or share a ride to the famous Peanut Festival Saturday night, with your bestie,  we've all taken it way too far.   We all should have our own opinions and we all should be respectful of others.   After last night, I felt a sigh of relief.  For just a few hours I was happy.  I also sat and remembered how I felt 8 years ago, and then 4 years ago.  We must remember to be kind.  Which is funny coming from a mean ole yankee like me.   Yes, even Yankees have feelings.

Today I penned a little letter.   My letter has to do with my experience, my party, my fellow patriots.  It was not meant to endorse one person over another as much as it was to point out that we had voices and those voices were heard.  So today, I'm going to be happy.  I'm going to trust that God has a plan.  I'm going to have faith that the decision that I made for me and my family was the right one.  I'm going to hold my head high today.  I'm also going to tell my friends who didn't have the same results, that I feel you, I know how you feel.   We are all going to get through this.  And next week, when we've had time to heal, maybe we can start getting prepared for more exciting times.   Be kind.  Thats all I can ask today.  
To Whom it may concern,

Last night our Country went through one of the most important and incredible elections our Country has seen in modern times. It was ugly and nasty. People are confused, people are ecstatic, people are falling on their swords. The question, how did this happen? How did we get the outcome so wrong? Here's your answer:
To Hillary Clinton: At every step of the way you believed you deserved it because you're Hillary Clinton, it was your turn, because you're a female, you paid your dues, because you said so. To those you called deplorables and much worse off the mic, the people answered you. Your resume and your condescending tones towards the very people you wanted to lead said No. Your money, your power, your mafia like ways didn't stop the movement last night! A movement that you ignored. Your greatest mistake was believing that American People were not smart enough to make sure you were not elected. You discounted us.
To the Media: At every step of the way you made sure that the words of her opponents (Not just Trump) were distributed as lies, as hate speech, you fabricated and were in cohorts to strongly back one candidate. You did everything you could to rig the system. And to your credit, it almost worked. Instead of reporting the facts and news you twisted it and tried to further advance your own causes. You failed to realize that the American people used their own brains, their own eyes, and their own ears to hear and see the truth. Your greatest mistake was believing that the majority of the American people were so dumb that they would believe anything you said. You discounted our intelligence and our common sense.
To the RNC: You did everything you could to make sure the little guy, the non-establishment, the guy not on anyone's payroll was not elected. Even when the very people who gave you your seat spoke you went out of your way to sabotage your own platform, your own party just so an "outsider" was not elected. You were willing to burn it all to the ground in order not to have someone on your payroll. You showed you don't care about your people, you care about your own interests. With no money, barely any support Mr. Trump went on to campaign with virtually no help from you. He ran a spectacular grassroots ground campaign. He reached out to a new generation through social media. He talked to the people, like they are people. He didn't use his money to buy politicians to endorse him, he used his money to buy the People's pledges, their concerns, their worries, their dreams, their hopes and their belief that anyone in this country from any background can make a difference. He broke your platform. You discounted the people's anger towards your arrogance. You discounted the people's anger to be heard.
To the Deplorables: Your voices were heard. Your voices and votes were not discounted. You stood up and came out and we spoke. No one can deny anymore that the little man's vote doesn't matter. They said it would never happen. That the Deplorables were too dumb to have a say and too lazy to make an appearance. They will call us names and tell us that our concerns and values don't matter. But they do. Our voices were heard. And when you continuously tell a man his worth is nothing, an uprising happens. And that's what happened last night. Our voices were heard!
the Adorable Deplorable