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Friday, December 30, 2016

Family Holidays and Traveling Blues

Folks, it has been a bit since we've chatted.  We have elected a new President that seems to put half the nation at ease and the other half running for the hills with their blankets and thumbs.  Its been a time to rejoice and a time to mourn.  I hope we all made it through some how some way.  It seems as though we were all slung right into the holidays.   With the hustle and bustle of the normal stress with that, our family is once again in the middle of a mandatory move thanks to Uncle Sam or possibly George Bush.  We all know he lies at the root of all evil.

This was the first year in my entire life that I did not have a Christmas tree at my house.  It was surreal and sad.  I've been through my fair share of military moves and have become quite used to it but never over the holidays.  I was under the misguided illusion that moving over the holidays would be so much easier since the tiny humans would be on vacation from school and transition would be easier.  I did not, however, take into account that along with all my worldly possessions that I do not trust $6/hour workers to pack and move, that I also would need to account for the dog, the fish, the tiny human itself, and half of Santa's Winter Wonderland of toys and gifts.  Big Chief is at the U-Haul store as I type this ordering the next 3 sized up trailer because of me and all the grandmas.  (I'm sorry Big Chief).   I'm also quite certain that he's telling some unsuspecting poor counter girl that he's real tired that all the women in his life can't listen to one damn thing he has to say and for once pack only what you need.  And to that, I simply say, these things are things we NEED.   Yes, I do need all my handbags and pretty shoes that I don't wear but on special occasions to be packed with us.  Yes, Baby Girl did need a complete life size Dress Form for her new room, right now to be toted all over the Eastern side of the Country up to Canada.  All of these things are necessary to my survival.

I have to say, that there have been many many stressful moments in this move and at more than one time over the last few weeks Big Chief has had to witness his fair share of the illogical emotional breakdown of a girl.  He's handled it pretty well for the most part.  He's taken a lot.  I'm grateful for his understanding and patience with me and his ever popular response..."Darlin, we're on an adventure and we're where we're supposed to be."  I'm also sorry I called him names and attempted to throw a giant fern at his head.   Well, in my mind I did.   He's got such a pretty face.  For the last 2 weeks we have been with our families having Christmas and saying good bye.    You never realize just how much you miss your house and belongings until they're all packed up in a storage facility 1200 miles away.

This was the first Christmas I have shared with my side of the family in about 6 years.  I also realized how important it is to have a house with more than one bathroom.  I'm also certain that my mom has telepathy and knows when I just think I have to use the bathroom.  She'll run in there and occupy like hippies on Wall Street.  Its also hard when your mom is a neat freak and is constantly looking in your room to make sure everything is in its place.  Especially when you're traveling with 1/2 of your house hold goods.  Five days sounded good, until put into action.    We left my side of the family in Indiana and traveled back down south to Tennessee to spend time with Big Chief's family before we headed out.  That's when I was lucky enough to come down with the worse sinus infection I have had in years.  I laid in bed for 3 1/2 days dying and drowning in my own mucous.  Everyone was very supportive and tried to help.   I felt even worse because unlike Big Chief who needs to be dying in my lap when he's sick...I'm the exact opposite.  It goes hand in hand with the part where I don't like to hug....I just want to die in peace.  But God love em all, they just want to help.  I'm not quite sure if my mother in law was actually trying to help me recoup or kill me.   Marie Barones are tricky!  I do know that for 3 solid days she wanted me taking medicine every hour on the hour and if I wasn't taking medicine she was handing me large glasses of wine and chocolates.  I even asked Big Chief if I should be worried???  Just Kidding Marie!   Maybe?

All the tiny humans are in one piece, I'm slowly recovering from Ebola and Big Chief is putting the trailer together and telling me stories of how he had to beat the women off him at the store.  Family time has been awesome.  But with everything its time to move on, and our Adventure the Army keeps telling us about is upon us.  So we are heading out to the North, where I'm going to show Big Chief the ways of the Yankee and learn how to bobsled at Lake Placid and teach my beautiful daughter how to ice skate on a frozen lake and hope that with 2017 things are just a little bit better.  And I have one special thank you....Thank you Big Chief!  You have been my rock to hold me up, my shoulder to cry on, my board to yell and scream and throw things at, you picked me up when I fell, you hugged me when I didn't want to be touched, you wiped my tears, you told me I was beautiful on my ugliest of days, you opened my door every single time (I'm sorry I forget yours every single time), you carpool karaoke'd with me, you made out with me in your high school parking lot, you didn't let me fall out of the truck, You Loved Me when you didn't have to.   Here's to a new Adventure and to a new year of opportunity and Hope!  Happy New Years to all of you as well!  I hope 2017 brings you all happiness and health!!